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Christians Who Absorb The Word Of God Change Their World!

Experiencing the weekly message only once is never enough. That’s why we have made many of our weekend messages available on podcast so that you will be encouraged, blessed and inspired throughout the week.  Click on the messages below to listen or download the sermon notes.

Pastor Frank Yap
28 June 2020
Find your way home in the Father’s house. He anxiously awaits the return of the prodigals. Paul admits, “I am lost, but now am found.”
Salvation and Eternal Life
Bro. Walter Estrada
21 June 2020
We received the free gift of salvation when we put our full confidence in God, when we entrust our life to Jesus. This kind of…
What Does “Holy One” Mean?
Pastor Imelda Mesa
14 June 2020
God is holy in that He is distinct and separate from his creation. He exercises sovereign majesty and power over it; that He is separate…
Does Absolute Truth Exist?
Pastor Imelda Mesa
07 June 2020
Truth is key to freedom. When you know the truth, it will set you free. The question is what is truth? Does absolute truth exist? …