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Christians Who Absorb The Word Of God Change Their World!

Experiencing the weekly message only once is never enough. That’s why we have made many of our weekend messages available on podcast so that you will be encouraged, blessed and inspired throughout the week.  Click on the messages below to listen or download the sermon notes.

Build Up One Another
Pastor Imelda Mesa
09 August 2020
The church of Jesus Christ is built not just on the sacrifices of the few but on the sacrifices of many, “for we are all…
We Pray for One Another
Sis. Marie Estrada
02 August 2020
In this unprecedented time, we need to pray. We must pray for one another. In your hands and mine are the gift of heaven that…
Why Do I Need The Church?
Pastor Imelda Mesa
19 July 2020
Ephesians 5:8-20 – The Church is the only organized body of people whose founder and CEO is divine. There are so many things in our…
Joined Together
Pastor Lito Amador
12 July 2020
Motivate one another; not even neglect our meeting together for in Christ Jesus, we are joined together into His household of faith.
Our Eyes Are Upon You
Pastor Nomer Velasco
05 July 2020
God is preparing us to greater challenges ahead. And, the only way to succeed is to set our eyes on who God is and what…