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Christians Who Absorb The Word Of God Change Their World!

Experiencing the weekly message only once is never enough. That’s why we have made many of our weekend messages available on podcast so that you will be encouraged, blessed and inspired throughout the week.  Click on the messages below to listen or download the sermon notes.

The Basis of Our Hope
Sis. Marie Estrada
25 October 2020
“In His great mercy, He gave us a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” 1 Peter 1:3 The basis of…
Unity Leads to Blessing
Sis. Letty Amador
18 October 2020
Unity leads to blessing. Hence, the Psalmist composed this beautiful song, “How good and how pleasant it is when God people live together in unity.” …
“Whoever Acknowledge Me”
Pastor Cathy Tripney
04 October 2020
Our mission and calling remain true and the same as that of the twelve disciples of Christ. We are to acknowledge Jesus in front of…